l Chapters of the book in PDF: A-F: Cold winter in Europe 1939/40 -1941/42 B. Winter 'Package' C. Winter 1939/40 D. Winter 1940/41 E. Winter 1941/42 F. El Niño G-H H. Pacific War I.
World War I with
to “Whom it may concern” in English & Russian ./. There is no
plausible scientific definition of climate! Letter to the “FRANKFURTER
ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG” (21. April 2017) Published on Tuesday, 25th April 2017, page 6 Climate change
is no hoax The essay „For this we will walk for miles,
written by Karsten Fischer and Peter Strohschneider (F.A.Z. April 21., 2017)
has strong relevance to the opinion of the U.S. President concerning climate change.
He, like many republican call the matter as the greatest hoax and intend to cut
science and support considerably. Thus the “March of Science” war initiated on
the day of the earth (April 22), and the essay’s sub- title is calling for: Do not submit to stupidity and malice. Most aggravating about the whole discussion on
climate is that scientific populism stands at the start of this debate and that
science commenced warning politics and the public in the year 1980 about
anthropogenic (manmade) climate change. Since then within the last 30 years
science has failed to scientifically define climate in an understandable
A random selection or combinations promote
„alternative facts” now called “fake news”. For a long time a time scale is not
mentioned. Meanwhile the 30 year period has been extended from months to a
thousand or one million years. This absurd approach is being used by all
climatological organizations and institutes. In this sense the word “Climate”
is populism pure. It does not explain nor describe anything and encourages all
those who can add to weather that anyone can talk about as a steady companion
closer than ones shirt. The situation is pretty intricate. Climate
change is no hoax. Global temperatures are rising since the end of the last so
called “minor ice age” around 1850. We have to cope with this fact if it is
excluded that mankind is contributing to this warming. Climate science has gained
prominence and enormous funding claiming that using fossil fuels has
contributed to considerable warming. Since there is no plausible scientific
definition of climate, an assessment of assumptions cannot be made. Rising air
temperatures do not represent “weather”. Therefore the approach of climate
research is dangerous and aggravating, appearing with meaningless definitions.
Unfortunately the republicans and Donald Trump are doing it. Both sides are
incapable or unwilling to deal with this question, how our global weather
functions. Thus the anthropogenic quantum cannot be determined. Logic demands
to begin with water. “Water drives Nature” Leonardo da Vinci already claimed
back in the 15th century. The atmosphere looks quite old considering
the ratio to the oceans of 1:1000.
Dr. Arnd Bernaerts
More about climate definition: http://www.whatisclimate.com/ ../next subject/.. Northern Europe’s Mild Winters. Abstract: The marine environment of North Sea and Baltic is one of the most
heavily strained by numerous human activities. Simultaneously water and air
temperatures increase more than elsewhere in Europe and globally, which cannot
be explained with ‘global warming’. The climatic change issue would be better
understood if this extraordinary regional warming is sufficiently explained.
The regional features are unique for in-depth studies due to different
summer-winter conditions, shallowness of the seas, geographical structure, and
main pathway for maritime weather patterns moving eastwards. The impact of sea
activities on the seasonal sea water profile structure is contributing to
stronger regional warming, change in growing season, and less severe sea ice
conditions. The impact of the man, whether small or large, should be understood very soon and very
thoroughly. Keywords: Human maritime
activities, sea temperature increase, North Sea and Baltic warming, change in
seasonality, sea ice decrease. LINK to: http://www.2007seatraining.de/2015/45.html
Revised essay from Feb. 2015 Offshore Wind-parks
and mild Winters. Entire post in: English French German Polish The
actual winter 2014/15 is up to now no winter in Northern Europa (Fig. 1-2). Can anthropogene activities
in the North Sea, Baltic and coastal seas be made partly responsible? Presumably
yes! Stirring hot coffee will cool it down. At the end of August the sea areas
have gained their maximum potential of warmth. Many ship propellers are plowing
through the sea stirring the surface layer to a depth of 15 meters. In the North
Sea and Baltic there are continuously up to ten thousand large motor ships at
sea. Several thousand offshore facilities on the bottom of the sea or anchored
offshore rigs divert currents at sea and influence tides and currents as a
permanent resistance against the normal flow of huge amounts of ocean water. (Fig. 3-8) The result is like stirring
hot soup. Warm water will come to the surface and the heat will supply the
atmosphere with warmth. The air will become warmer and the winters will be
milder. The correlation is not to be overseen. It is not relevant to climate
research or agencies allowing offshore structures who do not consider such
University of Hawai`i at Hilo Saturday, 5th June, Session 8B, 03:00pm to 05:20pm, Chair: Lorenz Magaard By analyzing the structure of the temperature records in the sphere of the North and Baltic Sea it can be shown that the sudden climatic shift 70 years ago is intertwined with the naval activities of WWII. It caused the coldest winters for more than 100 years. The examination of air temperature data series (Nasa/Giss) reveal that the locations most effected by extreme low temperatures were close to those sea areas with the highest naval activities, in 1939/40, The Netherlands, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea. After the invasion of Norway the Skagerrak region experienced a record cold winter 1940/41, and the severe winter conditions in 1941/42 can be attributed the Eastern Baltic Sea where naval force had been active since the German ambush on Russia in June 1941. Such three cold winter in succession have never been observed. Any confirmation or exclusion of the naval war thesis, would enhance ocean science on climatic matters, and the understanding of the reasons of the global cooling period from 1940 to the 1970s, which is still pending. View the Poster in PDF (ca. 1,9 MB) – Click HERE , The Power Point Presentation in PDF ( ca. 3 MB) : Here The Pacific War and a climatic
shift, Saturday, 5th June, Session 8B, 03:00pm to 05:20pm, Chair: Lorenz Magaard Although it is an established fact that during WWII a global cooling commenced that lasted for three decades, rarely any question have been asked, whether the significant correlation to naval activities in the Western North Pacific left a fingerprint in the temperature data at that time. As the US Navy and her Allies assembled a huge strike force since 1943 until the surrender of Japan in August 1945, their enormous range of activities at and under the sea surface could have changed the structure of sea layers at some depths considerably, either warming, or cooling the sea surface layer. The paper will discuss the circumstances during the relevant years, and analyze data sets, with the aim to demonstrate that the impact of WWII activities in the Pacific rectify to investigate the strong correlation thoroughly, as even a small contribution of naval war activities to the global cooling since 1945 should be known, understood, and a subject in the climate change debate. View the Poster in PDF (below) – Click HERE , The Power Point Presentation in PDF ( ca. 3 MB) : Here Does the term ‚climate’
hinders a fruitful discussion?
A better understanding of the perfect time correlation between naval activities during the Second World War and the start of a three decade long global cooling since 1940 could prove the role that anthropogenic activities may have had on the marine environment and climatic change matters. Although the global temperatures had been at the highest in the 1930s since the mid 19th Century, Northern Europe was suddenly back in the Little Ice Age after only four months in WWII. The study provides an overview of links between naval activities and a change of air temperatures, first during the extreme cold winters in Europe 1939/40, 1940/41 and 1941/42, followed by a three decade long global cooling. A significant fact of the three war winters in Europe is their appearance in succession, which is rare. As soon as the naval went global after December 1941, a simultaneous decrease of sea and air temperature throughout the Northern Hemisphere became evident. The number of links between human activities during WWII and temperature changes should not be ignored.
Poster on Display, 2nd
June to 5th June 2010
View the
in PDF (ca. 1,3 MB) – Click HERE
Was the Naval War in the Pacific from 1943-1945 not only devastating to man and material, but did it also altered substantially the structure of the sea surface layer with a subsequent impact on the air temperatures? Until now the question has received little attention although it is evident that a rising trend prior the early 1940s turned into a decreasing mode for three decades until the mid 1970s by about 1943. While the impact of screw driven vessels since their invention in the 19th Century on the sea surface structure is difficult to asses, the naval war in the Pacific from 1943-1945 could be regarded as a large-scale ‘field experiment’ due to the suddenness, the hugeness and the intensity it penetrated the ocean to considerable depths. Naval operations and available sea and climate data need to be identified, linked, evaluated and discussed. What impact had the Pacific War on climate? It seems time to pay attention to the matter. |
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Atlantic SST, 1998
Pacific SST, 1997
Pacon, ITLOS, 1997
Peace to Ocean, 1994
Nature, Letter, 1992
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Science Meeting
22-26 February 2010, Oregon Convention
Center, Portland/Oregon
Is the climatic shift since winter 1939/40 a sea related
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